Grain Legume Project: Unveiling the Impact of Sowing Time and Faba Bean Varieties in the Kwinana West Port Zone

The timing of sowing can make a significant difference in legume production outcomes. Our recent trials have shown that sowing early can boost biomass production, making it an ideal choice for those focused on green manuring, hay, or livestock feeding. On the other hand, a later sowing time could be the key to maximising grain yield, depending on your production goals.

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GRDC RiskWi$e Theme: Nitrogen Decisions

The Nitrogen Banking Project is a part of RiskWi$e, a National Risk Management Initiative. It is a 5-year initiative by GRDC and CSIRO that will run from 2023 to 2028. It seeks to understand and improve the risk-reward outcomes for Australian Grain Growers by supporting grower on-farm decision-making. This project will study various nitrogen (N) management strategies.

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Evaluating Deep Sowing of Oats in WA Production Systems

There has been a trend for increasing summer rain and later autumn sowing breaks throughout the WA wheatbelt. Potential utilisation of soil moisture stored below conventional sowing depths allow growers to potentially increase yield while mitigating abiotic risk. Oat seedlings emerge by elongation of both the mesocotyl and coleoptile so oats can be sown deeper than wheat and barley.

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Carbon Farming Outreach Project

The Australian Government is developing a net zero plan, outlining how the agricultural sector can transition to net zero by 2050. The Carbon Farming Outreach program is designed by Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to provide landholders with information and support to help them reduce emissions on farms.

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GRDC Harvester Set-Up Workshops

Grain losses during harvesting equate to significant lost income for growers across Australia every year.

To support growers in their efforts to reduce harvest losses and improve operations at harvest time, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) has funded a multi-year national project ‘Optimising harvest losses, efficiency, and weed seed control; and capacity building for future delivery’ otherwise known as the Harvester Set-Up Project of which the Facey Group coordinates the Western Region workshops.

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Visualising Australasia’s Soils: Extending the soil data federation (VAS Phase 2)

Visualising Australasia’s Soils: Extending the soil data federation (VAS Phase 2) Project Aim The Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) project aims to provide Soil CRC participants with access to considerable volumes of reliable quality soil data. It will be sourced from a federation of soil data custodians who share their data according to the rules they […]

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RiskWi$e Spring Cover Crop

RiskWi$e Spring Cover Crop Use of Spring-Sown Leguminous Cover Crops to Increase Available N Key Messages Investigating if spring-sown cover crops can mitigate on-farm nitrogen decision risks. Seek to better understand the potential benefits of spring cover crops on soil health and the following cereal crop. Confirm if spring cover crops are appropriate crop rotation […]

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Summit Fertilizers 2023 Trials

Summit Fertilizers 2023 Trials SOP Tolerance, P is Key, N Products Project Summary  As part of Summit Fertilizers commitment to trial research and their ongoing support of the Facey Group, they have once again invested in a relevant local trial, located north-east of Wickepin.  The trial site is situated next to the existing NVT trials, […]

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Diamondback Moth Surveillance

The aim is to improve prompt and effective decision support for growers to manage DBM in canola crops, surveillance is being conducted throughout the five WA port zones. We aim to determine the Brassica hosts which may be present during summer and autumn and assess whether these hosts are providing a DBM reservoir bridging between growing seasons.

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Saltbush Carbon Project

Saltbush Carbon Project Assessing the Potential of Saltbush to Sequester Carbon in WA Southwest Key Messages This project will investigate the carbon sequestration potential in existing local saltbush plantings. This project will evaluate of the performance of new saltbush plantings across different species and planting densities This project will track the growth and carbon sequestration […]

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Ri$kWise Quantifying the Impact of Soil Amelioration on Nitrogen Fixation

A part of the GRDC founded RiskWi$e project the Facey Group is investigating if various soil amelioration treatments effect the rate of nodulation in lupins. Soil amelioration techniques that will be investigated are and Discorden On-Pass Finisher, K-Line Speedtiller, Clay application at 250 t/ha to 25cm and a Reefinator H4. This will ensure better understanding of the impacts of various soil amelioration practices and nodulation in lupins and may lead to further trials with other nitrogen-fixing crops on recently ameliorated soils.

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Long Coleoptile Project

Long Coleoptile Project Improving sowing opportunities for increased farm resilience in a changing climate. Key Messages: Changing climate patterns predict less in-season rain, more frequent summer rainfall events, and a less predictable season break for many areas of the Australian Wheatbelt. Deep sowing adapted cultivars into stored summer moisture may create the opportunity to sow […]

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Impact of Stubble Height on Cropping Systems

Impact of Stubble Height on Cropping Systems Key Messages: This project is evaluating the ‘Stripper and Disc’ seeding and harvest combination (high residue systems) and how it fits within the local landscape compared to the commonly used draper and tyne seeding and harvest system. Growers are looking to understand the benefits for water use efficiency, […]

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Saltbush and Novel Forage Understorey Systems

Deep-rooted native shrubs or novel annual legumes offer significant opportunities to increase livestock feed supply and quality, compared to traditional forages under drought conditions. This CSIRO project will utilise both Anameka saltbush and novel understory species to demonstrate a drought-resilient and profitable system using best practices establishment.

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Phone: (08) 9888 1223

Facey Group Inc
40 Wogolin Rd
Wickepin, WA 6370
Postal: PO Box 129,
Wickepin, WA 6370