Visualising Australasia's Soils:

Extending the soil data federation (VAS Phase 2)

Project Aim

The Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) project aims to provide Soil CRC participants with access to considerable volumes of reliable quality soil data. It will be sourced from a federation of soil data custodians who share their data according to the rules they set, therefore maintaining control.


Project Background

For generations, Australasian farmers have gathered and shared knowledge on how to grow better crops. In the 21st century it makes sense to use technology to improve our agricultural know-how and profitability. Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) aims to do this by providing Australasian farmers, agronomy practitioners, agricultural researchers and agribusinesses with an online platform to access data, information and knowledge on Australasian soils. 


Project Start Date: August 2023

Project End Date: May 2024

Project Funding: Soil CRC

Project Lead: Federation University Australia (CeRDI)

Host Farmers: NIL

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Contact Us

Phone: (08) 9888 1223

Facey Group Inc
40 Wogolin Rd
Wickepin, WA 6370
Postal: PO Box 129,
Wickepin, WA 6370