RiskWi$e Time of Sowing Theme

Develop long-term strategies to help growers determine sowing location, varietal selection and sowing timing while considering landscape, farm, and paddock conditions.

Key Messages:

  • To link with researchers, members, and other stakeholders to extend research, tools, and understanding of frost and heat risk as well as time of sowing decisions.
  • To hold trials and demonstrations to better quantify the risks and rewards of time of sowing decisions as part of a whole farm system.

Project Aim:

Over the three years of this project, trial, and extension work will compare the upside reward of early sowing with the downside risk of frost and examine the impact that sowing time also has on exposure to late-season heat stress.

Project Background:

The significant impact of frost on the Australian grain industry has been highlighted as a priority investment by GRDC and gave rise to the National Frost Initiative (NFI). This investment resulted in growers gaining a better understanding of the differences in frost tolerance among crop varieties and cultivars; identification of critical frost windows to avoid; the impact of crop nutrition and stubble management on frost severity and; improved risk management. GRDC also invested in a project aimed at extension of these research activities which was led by the Grower Group Alliance and its grower group members. 

Further Information:

Facey Group collaborated with the GRDC-funded Frost and Heat Management Analytics (FAHMA) Project. We hosted an online discussion on the 7th of February 2024 between CSIRO Researchers and local Facey Group producers to better understand how this technology will help minimise crop damage through frost and heat events. 

Watch the online discussion HERE.

For information on the RiskWise projects and project collaborators please visit:



Start Date: 2023

Project End Date: 2028

Project Funding:  GRDC

Project Lead:

National Project Lead: CSIRO

WA Project Lead: GGA

Image: The Facey Group Trial Seeder getting ready to commence seeding this trial 2024.

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Contact Us

Phone: (08) 9888 1223

Facey Group Inc
40 Wogolin Rd
Wickepin, WA 6370
Postal: PO Box 129,
Wickepin, WA 6370