The aim of the National Variety Trials (NVT) is to generate independent information for growers and industry about newly released varieties of field crops to the current commercial varieties grown in the area.
The NVT program has been designed to identify the highest yielding varieties, free from the constraints of nutrition and disease. As a result, the nutrition and crop protection packages applied to NVT trials are typically higher than may be applied by the average grower. Management is the same for all plots with no differences in timing for crop protection or nutrition
All trials have 3 replicates of each variety and all plots are sown (and subsequently harvested) on the same day. Timing of sowing is dependent upon the season, but is typically done within an average district “best practice” window and located on a typical soil type for the area.
Early Wheat National Variety Trial - Narrogin
Yield data from this trial has been quarantined due to heavy early grazing by kangaroos & non-wetting soil compromising emergence and early growth.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a drier than average spring & early finish favouring the early maturing varieties.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Wheat National Variety Trial - Narrogin
The top yielding varieties in this trial were Devil, LRBP Havoc, Corack, Ninja & Sting (2.61 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.14 t/ha difference between the first & the fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a dryer than average spring & early finish favouring the quicker varieties.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Wheat National Variety Trail - Yealering
The top yielding varieties in this trial were Scepter, Ninja, Rockstar, Catapult & Devil (4.08 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.24 t/ha difference between the first & the fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a dryer than average spring & early finish favouring the quicker varieties.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Barley National Variety Trial - Narrogin
The top yielding varieties in this trial were Compass, La Trobe, Rosalind, Leabrook & Beast (4.06 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.31 t/ha difference between the first & the fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a dryer than average spring & early finish favouring the quicker varieties.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Barley National Variety Trial - Yealering
The top yielding varieties in this trial were Buff, Fathom, Beast, Rosalind and Maximus CL (4.85 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.17 t/ha difference between the first & the fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a dryer than average spring & early finish favouring the quicker varieties.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Canola Early Glyphosate Tolerant National Variety Trial - Yealering
The top yielding varieties in this trial were Pioneer 4427 (RR), DG 408RR, InVigor R 4022P, InVigor R 4520P & InVigor R 3520 (2.17 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.22 t/ha difference between the first & the fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a dryer than average spring & early finish.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Canola Early Triazine Tolerant National Variety Trial - Yealering
The top yielding varieties in this trial were HyTTec Trident, SF Dynatron TT, InVigor T 4510, HyTTec Trophy & Hyola Blazer (2.01 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.23 t/ha difference between the first & the fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, below average winter rains were followed by a dryer than average spring & early finish.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.
Lupin National Variety Trial - Pingelly
The top yielding varieties in this trial were Coyote, PBA Bateman, PBA Gunyidi, PBA Barlock, Mandelup (3.69 t/ha average for the top 5 varieties) with 0.66 t/ha difference between the first & fifth variety.
Season 2020 in the region started with rainfall events in February and March which provided some subsoil moisture, near average seasonal rains were followed by a dryer than average October & early finish.
Grower decision on variety choice for 2021 should not purely be based on this data but include data from across the region and over a number of years.