Facey Group

Our aim was to determine the economic value of growing canola followed by a high value legume, and the impact of this rotation on the grain yield and profitability of a cereal crop in the first year following the double break crop sequence.


The learnings from this site in 2020 have provided growers with clear learnings in how best to incorporate high value crops into the system, for the purpose of a double break.

The lentils did not perform to expectations resulting from multiple factors which compounded over the season including adequate pH to depth and herbicide management for grass and broadleaf weeds. it is important to ensure careful site selection by testing early for subsoil constraints, such as soil acidity, for these acid sensitive species. It is also important to source the best agronomic advice as there is limited knowledge of growing lentils in the region.


The trial has another two (2) years to be demonstrated and based on the learnings of 2020 and new site will be selected and more rigorous agronomic strategies put in place for 2021 and a follow up wheat crop to monitor impact of a high value pulse in the double break rotation as well as impact on the subsequent wheat crop in 2022.

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Contact Us

Phone: (08) 9888 1223

Facey Group Inc
40 Wogolin Rd
Wickepin, WA 6370
Postal: PO Box 129,
Wickepin, WA 6370