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Grain Legume Project

Impact of time of sowing on yield of various grain and feed legumes and Faba Bean Variety trial in the Kwinana West Port Zone

Key Messages:

  • When growing legumes, the sowing time will impact production outcomes. An early sowing time should be considered if growing legumes for biomass production. A later sowing time may be favourable if the preference is for a higher grain yield.

Project Summary

This project aims to demonstrate the yield potential of various legumes under two different times of sowing in the Kwinana West Port Zone and the impact on the subsequent years crop. In 2022, a small plot trial was undertaken and a variety of grain legumes were seeded at two different sowing times, an early sowing time in mid-April and then a later sowing in early June. A farmer demonstration trial was also undertaken that assessed two varieties of Faba Beans for their yield potential.

Due to favourable seasonal conditions in 2022, the varieties included in the project had higher than expected grain yields.  Most varieties had a noticeable trend of higher grain yield when sown later, except for Genesis Chickpea which had a greater grain yield when sown early.

Although a later sowing time seems favourable for yield, early sown plots performed better for peak biomass weight (measured in September). This result suggests that farmers could sow early to maximise biomass if they are using grain legumes for green manuring, hay, or livestock feeding systems.

The farmer demonstration site experienced waterlogging, impacting the Amberley plots in 2022, effecting establishment counts resulting in a lower hand-cut grain yield than Samira. Host farmers, Clinton Hemley & Skye Moxham, did see a considerable difference in harvest ease with Amberley proving its standing ability in this trial.

2023 will look at the benefits that legumes may have on soil quality and yield of a wheat crop that will be sown over both the small plot and farmer demonstration site.

A full report will be published in the 2022 trials booklet. Facey Group 2022 Trial’s Report will be published soon. To receive a copy and other exclusive member benefits please support us by becoming a member. Click HERE for more information.

Project Background:

In the Kwinana West Zone, grain legumes other than lupins are not extensively grown or adopted in crop rotations. Recent advances in grain legume genetics, rhizobium acid tolerance, management strategies, and weed and disease protection products could enable more growers in this region to grow grain legumes. To achieve this, the Facey Group will evaluate several grain legumes to learn more about these species in this region and what varieties work well. The results from this project will lead to further assessment of grain legumes in this zone.

In a recent study conducted by Facey Group as part of a GRDC-funded project, Chickpeas were sown across two different sowing times. The results demonstrated a clear benefit of early sowing. In 2022, the trial component of this project assessed the impact of sowing time on Chickpea, Faba Bean, Field Pea, and Vetch varieties. The farmer demonstration component of this project assessed two different varieties of Faba Beans, Samira and Amberly, for their yield potential. The two varieties differ in their resistance to fungal pathogens. Amberley is known for its fungal resistance and reduced logging. The performance of the 2023 cereal crop will be recorded for both sites. This agronomic research project will enable the extension and understanding of how to maximise grain legume production in this zone.


Facey Group are continuing to focus on research into grain legumes in our growing area. To help direct us on what our members want to see in the grain legume space, please fill out this survey … 




Project Start Date: February 2021

Project End Date: March 2024

Project Funding:  GRDC

Project Lead: Grower Group Alliance                         

Project Collaborators: WANTFA, WMG, CFIG, MADFIG, YUNA, Liebe, MIG, RAIN, SEPWA, SCF, Gillami, STC, LIFT

Host Farmers:

  • Clinton Hemley and Skye Moxhan, Valley View Family Farm
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Contact Us

Phone: (08) 9888 1223

Facey Group Inc
40 Wogolin Rd
Wickepin, WA 6370
Postal: PO Box 129,
Wickepin, WA 6370