Numerous compound fertiliser products can supply phosphorus (P) to crops, each with a unique P content and bulk density meaning differences in rate and granule distribution to supply the same P. Product choice has cost and logistical implications. We investigate the agronomic response of Magenta wheat to various rates and compounds of P fertilisers in a scaled-up plot trial. This trial also aims to assess the effectiveness of trial methodology of sowing a cereal crop through placed strips of P compounds, as well as comparing remote and on-ground biomass measurements for in-paddock variability in growth and yield.
Yornaning experienced a decile 2 growing season rainfall in 2020.
Plant growth was not significantly affected by increasing P rates, but appeared to be primarily influenced by the variation in soil-type across the trial.
Increasing P rates resulted in significant increases in yield, with yields ranging between 2.73t/ha – 3.06t/ha
Under 2020 conditions, the most profitable treatment was when 12kg P/ha was applied as MAPSZC, with returns of $805/ha.
The low-analysis product used in this trial, AllRich, yielded less than the higher analysis products MAPSZC and Vigour and had lower gross margins, however the yield differences between products were not significant.